Missionaries We Currently Support
Bill & Judy Kirsch
Bill & Judy serve in the area of discipleship as missionary trainers (Matt. 28:19-20). Bill serves as the provost of the Pan-Africa Theological Seminary (PAThS), training the trainers for our Bible schools across Africa (2 Tim. 2:2). PAThS offers advaced training to those who disciple and train pastors to fill the pulpits of the 10 plus churches planted every day across Africa. Since PAThS was launched in 2005, the impact has been felt across Africa through the training of church planters, Bible school faculty & administrators, missionaries, and national leaders. Its main campus is in Lomé Togo, with a branch campuses in Tanzania and Nigeria.
Costa Rica
David & Amy Cartwright
We are David, Amy, Maggi, and Emma Cartwright. We are working in the country of Costa Rica to bring Christ to the still unreached and under reached people groups of Costa Rica and the World. We are accomplishing this through several avenues. We are working directly with the indigenous people groups of Costa Rica: the Cabecar, Bri Bri and soon plan to begin working with the still unreached Ngobe Indians. We are doing this by pairing a powerful Bible discipleship and church planting tool with practical community training in sustainable community development techniques. We believe that is how Christ himself ministered. Our passion is to equip individuals, churches, and future world missionaries with practical tools to open doors to see the transformation that comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Darrell & Sandy Blatchley
We are involved full time in child evangelism. Through the Family Circus Children's Ministries we use drama, puppets, clowns, mascots, and object lessons including Gospel illusion. We have written six Children's church quarterly lesson books which are being used in many countries. These lessons are appropriate for both church and street ministry. Our target age group is ages 4 - 14. For more information contact us through email, snail mail or phone. Visit our web site. www.familycircus.org
In the King's tender harvest, Darrell and Sandy Blatchley
Missionary in a sensitive Area
"Why do missionaries put themselves in harms way? The ultimate reason it is not only appropriate but essential for missionaries to go to places of risk, and be willing to die to make the gospel known, is a prevailing passion for the glory of God among the nations."
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